Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Why Not Jeb?"

I've been waiting to read that headline for six years now. The inevitable first stirrings of a "Lets Run Jeb Bush fer President" movement, Joshua Green outlines the former Governor of Florida's strengths in an op-ed piece in today's Globe.
Jeb is a perfect GOP candidate for President, selfish and ruthless he comes of a long line of opportunistic scoundrels, the name alone is worth fifty thousand votes in New Hampshire where the republican electorate has a high opinion of raw power-worship.
And in a republican party where power is fragmented and ideology contradictory, the promise of a slam bang well funded Bush campaign for President run by the usual feckless thugs & covered by the usual dickless lackeys in the media must have some in a lather of anticipation. Never mind that the two other Presidents Bush brought war and recession down on America, twice...just focus on the liberal-hatred and get on with it!
And no doubt we can expect another war and an even worse recession from Jeb should he somehow seize power in 2012...It is in the family genes doncha know.
And then there is just that perpetual look of injured innocence on Jeb's otherwise expressionless pie shaped face, it is a good counterpart to his brother George's eternal smirk. Like all members of the Bush family Jeb is worthless but he is good at expressing a feigned horror of ruthless behavior on the part of his rivals, and the press falls for it every time.
Just for fun, (I have no illusions as to whether or not this would shift the outcome) it would be fun to ask Jeb Bush at a press conference "What do you say to people to insist that the Bush Family is out for themselves at the expense of all others including the Republic itself?"
Failing that:
"Just how much more of the Bush Family's Leadership can America be expected to withstand?"
His responses will be both entertaining and enlightening to say the least.

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