Tuesday, September 07, 2010

I saw Tim Cahill's new TV advert over the weekend

I'll gloss over his distortions about Governor Patrick's record and simply note that someone on his media squad needs to tell him to blink a little bit more, the Treasurer looks like he has been put in a deep trance by the Great Mesmero.
Meanwhile, Howie Carr has been jokingly offering Tim a cash bribe to bail out of the race for Governor as he is gumming up Charlie "Ziplips" Baker's chances for the Big Brass Ring.
Why Howie is marking out hard for the slightly inane Charlie Baker I do not know, he has to realize that the Legislative Leadership are fairly salivating at the thought of "Governor Baker". Charlie more and more exposes himself as a weak, inexperienced and indecisive man, the sort of Chief Executive that is naught but prey to the House Speaker and Senate President.
Cellucci was like that, good at getting elected and played relentlessly by whatver boodling mooks were running the Legislature at the time, Baker will likely be more of the same.
Why Howie would want someone that hopelessly equivocal as Governor I do not know, except that maybe he hopes he can push Baker around as well.
That may be a great situation for Howie and his bete noirs in the Legislature, I can't see how any of it benefits the rest of us though.

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