Friday, September 10, 2010

An old lesson learned once again...

And that is, how much of our civil and perhaps international peace depends on the vanity and whimsy of the lonely fanatic.

Mind you, this mook has a perfect right under the First Amendment to set a torch to any damn literature he chooses...Just as any radical gimp can put a match to the U.S. flag.
In fact, Humble Elias is just waiting with barely suppressed glee for the moment (today...tonight it can't be long I assure you) when flag burning gets dragged into the current debate.
The Supreme Court has for better or worse said it is all protected speech.
Who am I to defy the Highest Court in the Land?
Besides we make a mockery of our rights if we do not exercise them the way the Late Steve Reeves' used to exercise his considerable musculature.
So if burning stuff is the latest trend in Expressing Outrage, then I think I'd still like to dump out a pallet load of "Atlas Shrugged" editions onto the quad at say...the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, soak em' down withe kerosene and strike a match.
I shall then stand by and carefully count how many undergraduate objectivists come streaming out of the dorms and class rooms to beat out the offending flames with their very bodies.
That will be an instructive scene to be sure...

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