Friday, August 29, 2003

A short note to Senator Kerry:

Senator Kerry is announcing for President next week in South Carolina, New Hampshire and then Boston Massachusetts.
I of course will be at the Boston gala.
I thought I'd propose a few motif's for the Senator's speech since as everyone knows he just devours The Chimes at Midnight on a daily basis.

1) The war on terror: Here the goal is to speak plainly and decisively. Re-read FDR's declaration of war speech...the most salient passage for our purposes is " I believe I interpret the will of the congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but make very certain this form of treachery shall never again endanger us".
What I'm saying is, go after Bin Laden, the White House may have forgotten him but the American People have not.
It is safe to "interpret their will" as insisting that Bin Laden should not long know freedom nor perhaps life in a Kerry Administration.

2) Don't forget to assail the ineptitude of the GOP's civilian planners at the Pentagon...these are the same bunch of hammerheads who made sure our armored troops "lacked the necessary rifles and pistols" in a fast evolving guerilla war. Don't feel you are breaking any new ground here, Eisenhower made commercials criticizing Truman for "not sending enough airplanes to Korea".
Always insist there is room for improvement in the war on terrorism....but it can't be waged and won at bargain basement prices.
Here it's a good point to remind all that "no power on earth has ever prevailed against the American People when they are united and prepared to sacrifice for victory".

3) Always remind folks this will be a hard fought fight against President Bush, he will "do anything to win" something he amply demonstrated in election 2000.

4) Don't forget Enron, Worldcom Halliburton and all the other instances of crony capitalism...put yourself on the side of the little guy against the trimmers, jobbers, and trust fund louts of this Admin.

5) The deficit. Allegedly this is a ho-hum issue to most people. Recast it as a form of iniquitous taxation: "there can be no worse form of taxation without representation than to saddle our children with a cruel and unnecessary public debt".
Talk about common legacies, the legacy of good decisions made now, of clear air, clean water, prosperity and honest government-something we can all leave our children.
Aren't all these things worth having evn if it means foregoing a measly $300.00 tax rebate?
Remember that if we want all these things, we gonna have to vote them in...nothing else will suffice-nothing else will make it happen.

That is all I have now good luck and trust your instincts.

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