Friday, August 12, 2005


that asinine & spineless old wretch Arlen Specter has his jockeys all in a bunch cause' NARAL dared to produce a hardball TV ad opposing Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts.
Gosh you can just hear Arlen's jowl's quivering with rage all the way to Mentomy Massachusetts.
How much you wanna bet Rove got on the phone with Arlen and browbeat him into intervening with NARAL to get the advert pulled?
Arlen is an embarrassment to the US Senate, Bush sez "shit" and Specter whines "what color SIR!?"
Where was all this indignation when the Swift Boat Veterans were tearing into John Kerry last summer?
I didn't hear squat-shit out of Arlen Specter, he was FINE with that set of lies - so who is he to police NARAL's political campaign against Roberts?
The same goes for Scot Lehigh he is all up on his high horse today over the NARAL affair. Oh he inserts a teensy qualifier about the Swift Boat Vets at the end, which is by my reckoning his first criticism of said group since their malevolent debut last summer!
The implication here is gruesome and obvious, that its OKAY for the Praetorian Class to treat national politics like a blood sport and yet at the same time WRONG when Liberals take the same line!
Thats the message from Arlen Specter and Scot Lehigh and I get it loud and clear.

If those are the rules my friends, then we are headed for a revolution in this country and you can all kiss freedom and liberty and justice and individual rights good-bye!

What else can be expected when our rights and live are supposed to be protected by craven opportunists like Scot Lehigh and lackeys like Arlen Specter??

NARAL does not have a right to lie in pursuit of its agenda, but neither do the Swift Boat Vets or Rush Limbaugh or Bob Novak.

Having seen these Praetorians in action why WOULDN'T NARAL indulge the same tactics??
The current outrage is nothing but the same old biased media claptrap and proof positive that there are one set of rules for liberals and another more flexible set for the Praetorian Class.

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