Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just in time for the latest round of Bombings and

shoot outs in Iraq comes a "We are Winning the War" column from Jeff Jacoby.
All Humble Elias can say is Thank God...he was afraid Jeff's support for the whole maishaugas might be faltering. Whatever meds they've got Jeff on, they work wonders at keeping unwholesome reality at bay.
I especially like this howler:
Yet in so many ways, Iraq doesn't look like Vietnam at all. Vietnam was never the central battleground of the Cold War,
Actually, Jeff is right in a sense, in Viet Nam the US Army despite being poorly trained and badly lead, managed to contain the Viet Cong and its North Vietnamese allies for some nine years until the political and human cost became too high for this Republic.
In Iraq on the other hand, the US Army is naught but referees in an unfolding civil war.
Jeff also claims army morale is high over in Iraq...that may be so its also no reason to perpetuate this catastrophe or act as midwife to another Islamic Republic.
That Army morale is high is nice, hopefully when its all over no one will come home to fear, doubt and abandonment.
But its no justification for the war in itself.

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