Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I used to think

that Senator Rick Santorum was a sort of U.S. tyrant in the making...a real life "Fred Van Ackerman" straight out of the pages of Allen Drury right down to the nasty "psychotic whine".
More and more though, he is sounding less like Our Future Master and more like a spoiled five year old who won't climb down from atop his tantrum.

He has now decided that the priestly pedophile scandal is the fault of Senators Kerry and Kennedy who remained silent and thus somehow enabled Cardinal Law to keep reshuffling the deck with sex offenders.

What would Senator Santorum have said if John Kerry had blamed the clerical sex abuse scandal on Newt Gingrich and Strom Thurmond?

Now doubt he'd howl like a stuck pig, much like he is howling now.

Alas however a sort of shrillness illness is spreading through out the GOP when it comes to this issue. Former State Treasurer "Average" Joe Malone, looking old and thoroughly mean sorta kinda agreed with Santorum last night on the Braude Show inferring that since Congressman Gerry Studds got off with a pat on the ass that somehow inspired every sex fiend in the Commonwealth to fresh outrages.
Of course, as I recall, Gerry was censured by the U.S. House and he was never beyond the reach of the voters in his now defunct district. Unlike Cardinal Law who is riding fat and happy in Rome with an honored place at the table.

Its always funny to me when a lumbering corruptard like Joe gets up on his high horse and starts lecturing the peasantry about morality and such.
I mean nobody censured Joe for the seven millionlarge his gang stole from out the treasury...

Or did I miss something?

Meanwhile I look forward to Senator Santorum blaming it all on Adlai Stevenson, John Dewey, Arthur Schlesinger (trust me, Artie is next!), JK Galbraith, Geraldine Ferraro and the Scottsboro Boys.

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