Friday, August 26, 2005

Briefly seen on cable last night:

a "debate" between the eminently sensible former Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders and one Leslee Unruh head of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse.
They were "discussing" sex education in the wake of a story from out rural Ohio wherein one in seven girls at a local High School are pregnant.
Elders took the view that sex education and certain abstinence programs were the key to driving down such distressing numbers.
Unruh on the other hand smirked horribly and announced that since her fellow true believers controlled the Executive Department, the Legislature and the Courts it didn't matter what what Elders had to say.
Unruh then devoted precious air-time to a paean of praise to President Bush who is allegedly a fervent believer in fairytales like abstinence education and creationism.
The contrast between the two couldn't be more striking, Elders was factual and engaged, Unruh was vulgar, arrogant and preening...a bloated bottle blonde with tiny piggish eyes that glittered shamelessly under the kleig lights.
In short, Leslee Unruh is a praetorian, worshipper of power and a camp follower in the Third Cowboy's ever lengthening posse.
her rap last night was pretty shameless but the praetorians are a prideful egomaniacal bunch.
Fat times have made them all acolytes of Shakespeare's un-natural & false god "Commodity".
Indeed, my only reaction to last night's "debate" was an earnest wish to see a few of these proud bastards humbled...a little comeuppance would go down nice right about now.

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