Friday, August 05, 2005

A quote from USA Today 8-3-05

Russell Johnson, Pastor of the First Christian Church in Canton Ohio tells his flock:
It's time for the church to get a spinal column and push the seculars and the jihadists...into the dustbin of history

Hannah Arendt talks about totalitarian movements as a formless national fantasy state with its own definition of the earthly paradise and its own counter-rationality.
The most salient feature of classic totalitarian movements though, is the selection and ruthless persecution of outlaw classes and ethnic groups. Initially these classes exist only as a fantasy within the mind of the leader, but soon enough thanks to the movement's power of identification and oppression
they become real enough, real enough in fact to kill.
Stalin of course went after the reactionary Kulaks and the Trotskyites, Hitler of course slaughtered the Jews.
All these groups are whole classes of persons deemed an impediment to the establishment of the Totalitarian Earthly Paradise.
Totalitarian movements need outlaw classes and the like in order to prosper, given the nature of their utopian cosmology, nothing less than the usual vast conspiracies could ever stop the partei from it's apoetheosis.

Anyway...all you seculars and jihadists out there should keep that in mind as campaign 2006 unfolds. Johnson's quote up there about the Dustbin of history is a sturdy phrase sadly straight out of Stalin's pre-purge playbook.
I'm just sayin'....

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