Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Numbers:

Polls don't lie...the majority of Massachusetts voters think Romney is inept, callous, the wrong ideological fit for the Commonwealth and obsessed with his national ambitions to the detriment of the Bay State.
The Boston Sunday Globe's poll is pretty much bad news for Romney all around, in hypothetical matchups he is lapped by Tom Reilly and runs dead even with Deval Patrick.
Tsk...tsk....pretty big come down from the reform Titan of 2002.
Given all that, I was amazed to see Romney still retains about a fifty percent approval rating this is after eight months of embarrassing equivocations and vexing setbacks large and small. That to Humble Elias is the most interesting revelation of the entire poll.
Don't kid yourselves, Mitt might opt to run for re-election this fall, he can blame all his problems on the legislature and retire behind the fastness of his man-tan charisma whilst Patrick, Reilly & Galvin get into the usual back alley donnybrook.
He could win next year.
Wanna bet that Karl Rove has been working on Mitt getting him to reconsider and run for re-election?
Anyone gonna take that action?
Willard is young, stupid, credulous and craven with a full head of hair,in all the perfect Rovian dupe.
Imagine the sorts of blandishments Karl is holding out to Romney, promises of an easy time in the NH Primary, names of movers in South Carolina...its a tempting list to be sure.
And all contingent on running in 2006.
Mind you Rove will never pay off on any of these markers, but Romney is too naive to see through Uncle Karl's machinations.
It could happen, Mitt may surprise us this fall, if he does it will be a function of his national ambitions and not out of any regard for the welfare of the Commonwealth.


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