Sunday, August 09, 2009

If I was Jeff Jacoby

I'd come down a lot harder on the whole "birther movement" instead of taking a false position of moral equivalence as he does in today's Sunday Globe column.
Everytime one of these yaps goes into a fugue state on camera about phantom improprieties on President Obama's birth certificate it drives tens of thousands into the democratic camp.

By dragging the rightwing ever rightward they only isolate the remnants of movement conservatism completely from the center thus giving the President a priceless opportunity to co-opt moderates and independents. So please scream some more Obama's coalition will reap a rich harvest going forward count on it.
Trust me the birthers (Who are the GOP base to a "T" with their palpable air of menace) are a worse threat to the GOP than any coalition of 9-1 conspiracy crazies were to the democrats....

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