Monday, November 10, 2014

Charlie Baker wants to...

focus on drug abuse specifically the rising numbers on heroin use out there. Fair enough, smack is bidding on being cheaper than gasoline out there...but seriously if Baker wants to get ahead of the curve, he'd best start thinking on a good solid workable policy on combatting gambling addiction especially among those on fixed incomes! Lets face it, casino gambling is nothing but a defacto program to privatize social security. Union labor builds a huge casino, staffed by open shop dacoits paid a minimum wage who in turn fleece retirees of their pension and social security checks. At Bally's in Las Vegas on low volume weekday nights busload after busload of retirees roll up from Arizona to gamble away the night....some small provision ought to be made to deal with similar situations here...because believe me, we are gonna need it! And forget about any of that "innovative public-private-partnership" rubbish...not with the likes of Steve Wynn spending millions to make sure the ballot question swings his way. One doubts his commitment to good faith negotiations....

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