Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tillerson Outski

Rex Tillerson our embattled & embittered Secretary of State was literally fired via Twitter by his Boss the President of the USA.
Rex Tillerson was no prize, but he was undeserving of this sort of treatment which is increasingly par for the course with Donald Trump. Apparently Secretary Tillerson backed British PM Theresa May in a diplomatic showdown with Moscow AND THAT was the last straw for Trump.
My two big takeaways from this deplorable situation is that CIA Director Pompeo (slated to replace Tillerson) is a huge Iran Nuclear Deal critic so that diplomatic framework will be gone before the end of the year...which is not good news, because while we can dispense with the arrangement we probably can't stop Iran from building and deploying nuclear weapons. they've seen in North Korea, "nukes prevent invasions", and Iran likely has to consider the coming clashes with the USA.
Firing Tillerson is also a big wave-in for Putin in Eastern Europe disquieting news for NATO and any and all "frontline states" that abut Russia in said alliance.
So in sum, The Iran Nuclear Arrangement is going down, NATO is worried (and it should be) and somehow Trump and Pompeo are supposed arrange to "denuclearize" North Korea when they just backed out of the same deal with Tehran....anyone else see light at the end of that tunnel cuz I do not.
What am I missing here?

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