Wednesday, January 14, 2004

A graceless boorish oaf....

Is our governor, despite all his staff's attempts to micro-manage his next school appearance The Kolobian Viceroy still managed to screw things up by grilling high school students in Holyoke about local heroine use.
His excellency seems to have only two modes, cold and condescending...
And not for nothing but what kind of a patronizing twerp crashes into an inner city high school that is oppressed with the MCAS and all sorts of other stupid mandates only to start interrogating students about heroine use?
The kind of patronizing twerp who doesn't know shit about education or drugs irregardless of the laudatory press releases generated by his toadying underlings.
According to the local cops have never made a heroine bust at Holyoke High nor found the drug in one of their no doubt frequent controlled substance sweeps.
The man is out of touch and clearly gets his drug abuse info straight from "Dragnet" re-runs.
And this is the state of education in this once proud Commonwealth, the MCAS is making new drop outs every day, the state spends more on prisons than it does higher education (despite a falling crime rate), and the Governor drifts from school to school lecturing poor captive students about smack.
This is Romney's provincial "Utah Mindset" at work, if it's an urban high school then smack HAS to be a big problem...just like on the TV shows he doesn't let his wife watch.
A more appalling and hopeless spectacle can't be imagined.

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