Friday, January 23, 2004

Whatever happened to Pat Buchanan?

No really I wanna know...once a fiery revolutionary xenophobe he is now content to call into the Imus program and rumble away happily about the New Hampshire Primary.
Comfortable, middle class, warm, fuzzy, stentorian, even cuddly.
Dear Ghod could this be...a NEW Buchanan???
Well why not?
Pat got his start as one of the many servitors hired back in 1966 to dig up Tricky Dick's political corpse and morph it into "A New Nixon".
Seen in this context, the transformation from bloodthirsty mountebank to comfortable old fraud is pretty easy-Nixon did it why not Pat?
So there he was gassing away on the public airwaves about Dean's volcanic "concession" screech on Monday night.
Predictably, Buchanan chastised the Vermont Governor for not concealing his passions better....
Good grief, who is "Pitchfork Pat" to talk??
Well that is mark of the transition from would-be tyrant to avuncular media whore, a marked toleration for your own hypocrisy.
Buchanan has even softened his once loud opposition to the Iraq war. It is in so many ways a pundit's war and if he wants to be a playa in that game he has to show some flexibility.
Still, I have to say, Pat sounded almost forlorn on the radio today...he so desperately wanted to be a playa in national politics.
Where is the frantic little fag-basher from the mean streets of Washington D.C.?
Truly Pat has gone swell on us...given up his gas house gentleman's overalls for a silk tie and fresh topper.
Nothing left but to sit on the sidelines in his new finery and watch as the fabled revolution runs inexorably away from him.
In truth Buchanan's national revolution of 1996 has been co-opted by the very blue-blooded stuffed shirts he used to excoriate in front of cheering crowds of dispossessed hard hats.
That has to hurt....

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