Tuesday, January 20, 2004


So bellowed the smiling Deanosaur with two long spears hanging out of his guts, courtesy a matched pair of senatorial cavemen named Kerry and Edwards.
Well what of it?
Anyone who can smile, pump his fist and hurl his defiance at the winds even as he staggers across the finish line a distant third has to be enjoying himself at least.
Still, it was a loud speech...but clearly something for the consumption of the Doctor's weary legionaries...the chilly presence of the teevee cameras was not taken into consideration.
Hell why should it?
Can't a man shake his fist and promise to go down fighting in peace anymore?
And so Dean ranted on...and predictably this morning, first thing in fact, the press corpse (those philosophers who purred "Kerry is toast" circa last week) decided the Governor's concession speech was somehow demagogic and scary.
Hell this lot should know, demagoguery is the very air breathed by the likes of Fineman, Russert, Lehigh, or Matthews.
So I find their flap wristed revulsion more than a little funny quite frankly.
You have to feel sorry for the punditariat though, they were arrogantly predicting a Dean triumph in Iowa last night, only to see the Governor get jacked up hard when the votes came in.
They were proven wrong again...as usual.
So to cover up their naive stupidity the op-ediots started jumping ugly on Dean's speech last night.
Suddenly his "shrill" "Angry" delivery is the story, not their own self satisfaction or their boneheaded analysis of the situation.
See how they do it?
It's all about spinning the fact that the opinion industry is never wrong or never admits to being mistaken.
This sovereign republic can go up in chunks, but heaven forbid Tim Russert should admit "I never saw it coming-sorry!"

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