Wednesday, January 28, 2004

New Hampshire Idyll...

Well, the mighty Deanosaur seems to have taken yet another spear in the vitals....thanks in small part to mine own humble efforts in N.H. nigh these last two days.
Don't worry though, the Deanosaurus Rex will live to screech another day.
What exactly Joe Lieberman is supposed to do with a paltry nine percent of the vote last night is a holy mystery.
He keeps talking on and on about being the only "sensible centrist" in the campaign, and then when it comes time to vote he wracks up these puny numbers.
Generally centrists do have this tendency to capture more votes...
Of course it doesn't help matters any that Lieberman keeps insisting that the two decorated war veterans and the po' boy country lawyer are somehow NOT gonna seize the vital center when the time comes.
Intellectually this argument amounts to carrying water for George Bush....which is not gonna endear him to anyone as the primaries roll on.
Meanwhile the right is trying to spin Joe's current angst into an appeal to Joe's constituency come November.
With nine percent of the vote in hand it seems clear most of those voters were co-religionists of the Senator (to put it delicately)...their votes may not be fully transferable to the GOP come the fall....but the matter bears watching.
Joe needs to bail out of this thing quite frankly, with no hard feelings on either side.
It is sad that he is joining a long list of losers like Fritz Hollings and Fred Harris....alas it's the nature of the political zeitgeist to mock these brave quixotic souls, which is a shame.
Well nothing has to come to an end for him, there is much good business to be done for a Senator from Connecticut who has a democratic colleague in the White House.
One hopes Joe sees his opportunities here.

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