Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Cursed Times

Last week"our" President joked loutishly on camera about Iraq's nonexistent weapons of mass destruction.
This week five American soldiers, dispatched to that wretched desert hell hole to FIND said weapons, were blown sky high in a roadside bombing in Faluja.
Good God I'm gonna have a stroke if I read any more "good news" from out Iraq!
My disgust with George Bush has at last reached nigh critical mass.
He is proof positive that one can descend from the best families, go to the best schools, dodge all of life's worries and woes and still end up a tasteless graceless asshole.
What do people think of this oaf as he jokes gruesomely about WMDs whilst his beloved soldiers are shot dead by ones and twos??
But oh I can just see the President's reaction to today's massacre-what a performance that will be!
He will narrow those beady little eyes drop his voice down to that ominous growl and snarl threats like a tourette's syndrome victim.
It will be a jubilee my friends, Bush promising blood death and destruction like he was Heliogabalus gone mad on crystal meth.
Anything to divert the public's attention from his own appalling cynicism.

Meanwhile he and Cheney are scheduled for a "joint appearance" before the 9-11 Commission.
Joshua Micah Marshall has several possible theories for this set up...the most convincing being that the President can't be relied upon to get his story straight over the course of a three hour interview.
His wits do wander very easily as you all know.
This is a disgraceful state of affairs for a once proud republic...the President cannot speak extemporaneously in an interview without "help" from his allegedly subordinate.
I think it is truly time for Bush to resign...he hasn't acted as President since that fateful day three years ago when the airliners took out the World Trade Center.
He flew away and hid at NORAD Headquarters until Cheney, Karen Hughes and Mary-effin' Matalin got things squared away in the White House Situation Room.
Mostly since that terrible day Bush has been a conduit to enact the plans and schemes of his malevolent Vice President.
The best thing Bush can do is resign.
Either he is unwilling or incapable to discharge his office...the constitutional remedy for this is simple-resignation.
Let President Cheney try to function in the light of day as a full time Commander in Chief, I don't think he could hack it!
It is time George, you have tarried too long for the good you have done, and in the bowels of Jesus Christ our savior you must go!
God will decide the issue between thee and us.
Meanwhile by all means enjoy "clearing brush" on your "ranch".

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