Monday, March 01, 2004

The Banshee Squeals for Blood...

I am beginning to be a fan of Senator Rick "High Pitched Rick" Santorum's squeaky incandescent rhetoric.
Oh I realize that he is a dangerous demagogue and a senatorial windbag of ill repute...but he has to be the last great practitioner of pulpit hysterics.
Nowadays men rise to absolute power on the basis of their ability to mumble and is a far cry from the days when public speaking was considered an art fit only for virtuoso like Clarence Darrow.
Maybe Santorum is not as good as the late great Huey P. Long, but at least he is in there trying.
The Senator called into Imus today in an absolute transport of fear and envy over the prospect of gay marriage.
Fear by the way is one of High Pitch Rick's specialties, connoisseurs of senatorial frightmongering will recall with lip smacking relish Santorum's gruesome rhetorical imagery during last year's "partial birth abortion" pseudo debate.
It was the same today, at no point did Santorum wallow in base hatred of homosexuality, rather he hewed to a complex argument that cited mysterious malign consequences that would result if gay marriage was "legalized".
Oh you should've heard him it was a rhapsody a symphony of confused facts and values, sixty percent of all Danish births are out of wedlock...that makes gay marriage bad for us!
No fault divorce devalues marriage, so does cradle to grave welfare benefits...image the effect gay marriage will have on this poor faltering "sacred institution".
Yup, give Rick credit he cited divorce as a threat to the GOP's sacred institution....maybe that is their next target.
All you divorcee's out there get ready, next thing you know Rick will wanna outlaw your divorce decrees.
His voice takes on this psychotic whine and the words just rush out like machine gun rounds.
It was inspiring really, such bigotry as has not been heard since the salad days of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the hooded order....Rick's argument can be summed up as " I don't hate gays, I'm just childishly threatened at the thought of queers gaining the right to marriage".
Sadly as far as his development as a demagogue goes, Rick is still in the second rank.
That is because he is indulging this "kinder gentler" brand of homophobia because fiery Baptist shamanism doesn't play well on the teevee. Rick is playing it safe in hopes of snagging the GOP's veep-nod come September.
Nonetheless, in an age of trendy computer vetted soundbytes, Rick is trying to keep the lost art of demagoguery going...for this we owe him a debt of thanks.

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