Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Voids, Stays and Governors:

Well... the anti gay marriage and pro-civil unions amendment passed the State Legislature yesterday.
With consummate churlishness Governor Romney vowed to request a stay of the SJC's original decision legalizing gay marriage until the amendment can be voted on in 2006.
One problem though, Attorney General Reilly won't sign off on the requested delay in implementation...meaning the Kolobian Viceroy may have no legal recourse in the matter.
Well bully for Reilly I say, he has finally grown a pair!
Of course this matter is in part mired in gubernatorial politics, Tom wants to run in 2006 and has figured out that agreeing with Mitt Romney on a crucial issue is no way to acquire an edge.
Alas, the Great and General Court had to do something...something both progressive and restrictive at the same time. My understanding is, the lege as a whole couldn't countenance Massachusetts being the first state to all-out legalize gay marriage...hence the current amendment and all it's manifold confusion.
Meanwhile there is the tantalizing prospect that gay marriage may become legal by default in the Bay State come May 2004...at least until the electorate can vote on the proposed amendment come 2006.
That loophole is the only hope for the matter in the near term...that after two years of gay marriage the public may become used to the idea and disinclined to revoke anyone's rights on the say-so of a bunch of out-of-state wowsers and their pet governor.
Otherwise it is gonna be a hard slog to get this issue dealt with fairly in the Bay State I doubt any single politician or group thereof can do much on behalf of gay marriage.
It is up to he gay community to dig in and take a stand.
Tom Reilly though, wants to be governor, I wish him well...I doubt he can win though.
Frankly we've sent nominated main-chance state wide pols and they've both gotten beaten soundly.
We need someone new and someone who can self finance the race...who that person I do not know.

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