Monday, March 29, 2004

Deaf and Dumber

Shutmouth Condi is stayin' dummied up no matter what it seems.
Condi will happily talk to "Sixty Minutes", she'll editorialize in the New York Times, and she will rail at the donkeys of the White House Press corpse.
But she won't say word one under oath...a better courtier couldn't be found outside the Corleone Family quite frankly.
Suddenly all of GOP DC is in an uproar claiming executive privilege and other royal prerogatives...
This is hilarious to watch as these are the same puritanical windbags who subpoenaed the First Lady in 1994 over a bad land deal and impeached the President in 1999 over a blow job.
But of course Whitewater and Monica are much more important issues in the grand scheme of things...far more important than a mere suicide attack on the World Trade Center.
Nope Condi won't sing, the Clinton rules have been retired and that is that.
The radio tyrants are in full cry against Richard Clarke today, Imus was squealing like a stuck pig calling Clarke a "gutless weasel" and other gruesome epithets.
Clearly the I-Man needs to creep back onto the Bush reservation after several weeks of mild criticism aimed at the Admin.
The funny thing is, Clarke's book confirms pretty much Imus' insistence that Bush used the terror war as an excuse to shut down Saddam.
Well if that is what Imus is saying today, one can only imagine the excesses Jay Severin and Sean Hannity will indulge.
These yankers are all screaming so loud and incessantly that I'm beginning to think they are all scared.
You can always tell when they've gotten a fright, they start yelling treason,conspiracy, dementia and the like...they haven't read the book and probably don't have the time either but that doesn't stop any of them from throwing deafening public tantrums.
I'm starting to think Bush and his henchpeople can dish it out but they sure can't take it...the slightest criticism and the next day Don, Rush, Sean, Bill and Laura start howling like someone shot their dogs.
Sadly Bush may come or go at the pelasure of the electorate but the rest of these ass-holes are with us like a bad case of melanoma.

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