Tuesday, August 17, 2004

As H.L. Mencken once said...

“We suffer when the White House bursts with ideas”…

The proof of this is Bush’s latest crackpot musing to scrap the income tax and replace it with a national sales tax.
The Grover Norquists of this world love this idea because said tax would be a flat rate…everyone pays five percent for a gallon of milk across the board.
It means quite frankly, the rich pay less and poor pay more.
This is conservative economics in the twilight stages of its dementia…. it is also a damn fine way to shift most of the tax burden onto the lower classes.
Which is really what movement conservatism wants to do here, the government can run deficits til perdition as long as their pioneers and rock ribbed donors DON’T pay any of the bills.
The national sales tax mirage is the logical conclusion of Ronald Reagan’s program of welching on public debts. Having tried for years to wish public debt away, movement conservatism has decided to sigh shake their heads and put most of the burden on those least able to pay.
To put it even more crudely, Bush starts up a war and now expects the children of today’s working poor to pay for it.

And not for nuthin’ but the Bush-class in this nation pay little enough in taxes as it is. Nonetheless, tax shelters notwithstanding, their market worshipping delusion demands that the poor must be forced to pick up the check.

Meanwhile him and his jet off to Mustique with their trust funds and investments in the PRC with a wave and a giggle.

How can anyone call themselves patriots and run out on their obligations like this?

The GOP is willing therefore to countenance any degree of mass economic ruin in order to preserve a tight circle of moneyed devotees.
It doesn’t get any more blatant than that.


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