Wednesday, August 18, 2004

They just...fade away...

Word is out that the President wants to ship home some seventy five thousand troops from overseas (Chiefly Germany and South Korea) over a ten year period as part of a radical redeployment of US Forces.
Jim Braude the token liberal on 96.9 FM talk seems to think that this will convince the poorly informed that we are in deed pulling out of Iraq prior to the election.
The only word that they will hear is “pull out” apparently the rest of the story will be lost in public dyslexia.
Jim is a bit of a yap and no good to the democrats in a crisis, but he might be onto something.
Bush can’t bring home the troops from Iraq, but he can “redeploy” a shitload of soldiery from other locations thus blunting the rising tide of resentment the GOP is getting from military families.
So in my mind, this election year shift in strategy has two purposes;
1.) It screws over the Germans and serves as La Famiglia Arbusto’s payback for not supporting GWB’s war in Iraq back in 2002.
“A Bush never forgets”
2.) It helps to cut Bush’s losses among military families in the electorally vital state of Florida. IF the assumption us that Florida will be close again this year, then Bush needs to make peace with as many military families as possible in that styate short of cutting and running in Iraq.
Of course as John Kerry pointed out today it’s probably not a good idea to reduce our troop levels in South Korea when we are simultaneously negotiating with a nuclear armed Pyongyang.
But then this is George Bush we are talking about he’d happily let nine tenths of the world burn if it meant a bare majority of twenty thousand votes in Florida.


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