Thursday, August 12, 2004

Here is a thought...

Lets get Timothy Bottoms to star in some attack adverts dealing in President Bush’s seemingly endless saturnalia in the Texas Air National Guard.
Cineaste’s will recall Tim’s eerie impersonation of Bush Jr. in the now defunct Comedy Central series “Thats my Bush”.
Said advert could look like this:

A banner reads “Texas 1968”
“Bush” is shown stumbling out to his patched and aging Sopwith Camel kicking empty Jack Daniels out of the way and mumbling in a drunken daze.
The voice over sez “When the call went out for fighting men, George Bush Junior answered “Anyone but me...”
He then shouts “contact” and with a swig from a silver hip flask he rattles down the runway in a cloud of oil smoke.
And the panel reads “Character really counts”.

Okay so it is harsh and nasty-like...this IS the Chimes at Midnight after all!
I mean as long as Karl Rove is bribing John Kerry’s former navy contemporaries to speak ill of his service in Viet Nam...then I think we ought to respond in kind.

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