Saturday, August 28, 2004

What is promised in Bush's notional second term?

The President will outline a lavish series of proposals at the upcoming RNC convention.
The can be boiled down to a simple easy to remember list:

More Spending

More Debt

Less Freedom

And More Lies....

Along the way he'll hang the queers, make voting a joke, reinvest the royal prerogative in the Bush Family, shoot the abortion doctors, sell off social security at flea market prices, and put the U.S. Senate behind barbed wire...if he can.

But those are the mere baubles...things to be grabbed off if the pickin's are easy as it were.

The main points of his program are neatly summarized above.

It is a pretty ugly stunted sort of a program, but that can't be is the times we live in that render the President's beloved doctrine a wan wasted thing.
George Bush Jr. is the first U.S. President raised and indoctrinated from birth in the grand counter-revolutionary tradition of modern conservatism. The great irony of his administration is that he has come to power in a time of decline for conservatism as political theory. The great intellectual engines and solons of the movement have fallen at last into a particularly gross torpor. They haven't coughed up an original idea in over a decade...and the next ten years promises even less in the way of rigorous thinking on the right.
Oh they may well go on governing...the symbols and populist rage of U.S. conservatism are self perpetuating even as the intellectual wellsprings of the movement run completely dry.
The question then arrises for those of us who aren't inclined to sell the nation out to Reverend Moon or the thieves over at Halliburton...what next?
What is to be done...?
Sooner or later conservatism must hit the wall...just as liberalism outlasted it's welcome all those years ago.
Who will govern in their place?
Are WE ready?
I think not, there is some pleasing intellectual ferment on the left right now but nothing capable of unifying the nation and taking it forward.
What is to be done?

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