Sunday, November 04, 2007

"Lets you and him fight"

So opined Joanie Vennochi in today's Globe who is just pantin' for a morning drive time radio chat show matchup between Howie Carr on WTKK and Former House Speaker Tom Finneran, two men she has somehow mistaken for a pair of ideological titans.
If there is a notion that more perfectly illustrates the intellectual torpor of the Globe's op-ed page, then I'd like to see it.
Finneran is a nice pleasant monotonal conservative democrat with a deserved rep for backroom hardball.
Howie Carr on the other hand is a genial sociopathic demogogue who'd probably be Finneran's friend if Tom wasn't a democrat and all.
Building up this rivalry is like booking an aged Muhammed Ali in the ring with UN Ambassador Adlai sort it's a bizarre mismatch that only a columnist rife with false consciousness could love.
How exactly any of this serves the cause of diversity on the radio is beyond me.
Joanie however thinks this is a great and ultimate debate waiting to happen.
I wouldn't listen to either man if you put a gun to my head, ideologically they are peas in a pod, they diverge only in their personal style.
Humble Elias couldn't care less if Howie Carr gets back on the air in Boston ever again, it's not like their aren't ten more like him desperate for his slot. Hell, Howie is nothing but a tired old media freak whose career path is the secret envy of every local columnist.
And Tom FInneran is a sharp fanged bore in extremis...the idea that the two of them on opposing radio stations have anything to teach the rest of us is laughable.

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