Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Strange defense of Don Imus on the Op-ed page of the Globe

courtesy one Lauren Stiller Rikleen, senior partner at Bowditch and Dewey.
Her argument boils down to this, 'sure Imus is a rat, but he is still a good interviewer and his competition are all so much worse (the inevitable dog eared Ann Coulter citation is dragged out) so what is the problem?'
The problem is, he is an old vengeful screwhead in a medium of old vengeful screwheads so exactly what he adds to the mix is unknown to me.
And if Ann Coulter is so nasty per Ms. Rikleen, what about all those times Imus gave lavish air-time to that drunken shrew Laura Ingraham?
Sure Don let certain select democrats on the show, a rarity in today's talk radio but he forces them to run a nasty gauntlet more often or not. They hardly get the free ride that is reserved for an old book-worshipping laggard like Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Ms. Rikleen thinks Imus should be welcomed back because somehow it's a victory for the first amendment...well as far as I can see, the first amendment seems to exist these days to benefit the Imus class and no one else. How any of that benefits Humble Elias is beyond me.
Well...that having been said, the I-Man does serve as a useful means to keep Howie Carr out of morning drive time, other than that he is perfectly superfluous in every way.

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