Friday, November 30, 2007

Unpaid, Unbossed and Unloved...

Deep in the tangled thicket of a Blue Mass Group comment string, US senatorial candidate Ed O'Reilly offers up the offhand comment that "some" of the pro-Kerry bloggers out there are "paid".
Ed's precise quote goes this-a-way:
John Kerry's bloggers (some paid and some perhaps not) want to go back 35 years. I do not.
Let me blog unequivocally, the Chimes at Midnight is on no-one's payroll....Humble Elias is definitely in the "perhaps not" category.

I mean do you think anyone out there is really crazy or desperate enough to pay me to write this shit?

Paying the Little Blog that Cried for it's daily ration of "sarcastic rant driven chatter" (per Boston Magazine)would be grounds for a serious independent audit thats all I can say.

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