Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Bechtel the Truth....

I read in the papers that Bechtel Corp who did the planning for Boston's "big dig" has landed a juicy 680 million dollar reconstruction contract in Iraq.
I will pass over in silence Bechtel's omnipresent links to the current admin and merely warn General Jay Garner, the Pentagon's Supreme Potentate in Baghdad to watch those Bechtel bastards like a hawk!
Back in 1989 they gave the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a 2.5 billion dollar estimate for depressing the central artery, the current price tag has ballooned to 16 BILLION dollars that'll be nicely filched out of my pocket til the day I die.
That includes over a billion dollars in cushy cost over-runs that Bechtel freely and brazenly admits...ghod only knows what costs and charges these corporate buccaneers are holding back!
Using the central artery project as a crude yardstick 680 million dollars worth of post war reconstruction is sure to end up costing 4 or 5 billion dollars once all the rack-offs,pay offs and dumb-ass mistakes are factored in.
Beware Bechtel General Garner!

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