Monday, April 07, 2003

J.K. and Regime Change
Well it seems John Kerry has weathered the whole "regime change" flap in good working order.
He got blasted by all the usual rightical chic ne'er do wells for asserting that we need some "regime change" here in America too.
Which is when he reminded Karl Rove etc that most of his critics were hiding under their beds while he was on active duty in Viet Nam.
Point to Kerry.
But how much you wanna bet that Senator John Kerry's full navy service record is sitting on Karl Rove's desk even as I write this? No doubt Karl has a team of private detectives tasked to tracking down any viable scandals in the Senator's past.
Ah Karl Rove, a man who makes Senator Mark Hanna look like Merkin Muffley. Back in Karl's drinking days he used to shut down many a Houston watering hole boasting the whole time that George Bush Jr. would effortlessly ride to power when the time came.
Many citizens have been trampled neath' the Bushian hooves since those days...but it was worth it, the world is a beautiful place to Karl Rove.

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