Thursday, April 03, 2003

I, Romney-us Augustus...

So let me get this straight, Mitt Romney is still sticking with that "Liberty Tunnel" bullshit? It's a low churlish sort of insult to the memory of U.S. House Speaker Tip O'Neill-so nice to see the Governor is sticking to what he knows.
Oh Mitt has his story straight, he claims the "Liberty Tunnel" appellation honors our veterans-and this is a testing war of war and all that.
As if this insufferable draft dodger ever given two hoots in hell about the poor boys who get shipped off to Viet Nam in his place!
Poverty is still a chronic problem especially among the widows of Viet Nam vets and yet all Romney can come up with is a pricey hole in the ground.
Yup Tip O'Neill's memory will have to officially make do with some nowheresville connector to the Ted Williams Tunnel.
All that money he brought home to get the Big Dig started is forgotten now, ingratitude used to be a mortal sin in Bay State politics, now it's a vital prerequisite for higher office!
Well what can you expect from such a famously smug and self-righteous hammerhead?
This is what happens when 51% of the electorate thinks they are millionaires thanks to a dangerously inflated real estate market. You end up with grinning obnoxious onanists like Mitt Romney as Governor.

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