Friday, April 11, 2003

Lets get Syrias or Heil the Supreme Ophthalmolocrat!

Some administration yanker was on NPR last night in a robotic fury over Syria having shipped "night vision goggles" and other war material to the now defunct government of Iraq.
You can always tell when this admin is planning new military action, they all start to sound hollow and mechanical like Dick Tufeld when he did the voice of the robot on "Lost in Space".
Apparently those goggles are a pretext for war or so the argument ran on NPR.
What everyone forgets is that Syria's President/Princeling Bashar Assad is an actual ophthalmologist by training, no doubt he was moved by solely by a desire to save everyone's eyesight.
Still...goggles as a pretext for war?
Didn't Bashar's father send seventeen thousand troops to help the U.S. liberate Kuwait back in 1991?
And that counts for nothing I guess in the Brave New World.
Granted the conservative refrain for the last eighteen months has been "that was then, this is now" but still...
Franco sent eighteen thousand Spanish troops to fight with the Nazis against the Soviets in World War II and he still died in bed when push came to shove.
The Danes contributed eleven thousand troops to the Nazi cause on the Eastern Front....the French Waffen SS Legion fought to the last man to defend Hitler's bunker in Berlin.
And yet no-one suggested invading and occupying these countries after World War II...certainly the Russian's could've made an argument for preemption under the Bushian rules of engagement.
Think about that....

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