Friday, April 18, 2003

Sullivan's Travels

Am I the only one who thinks inviting Andrew "bareback" Sullivan to Wellesley College's upcoming "George Orwell Centenary Conference" is just a bit too ironic for words?
It's akin to having Joe Stalin as the keynoter for a symposium on the forced collectivization of agriculture or something.
Yup, bareback Andy is riding those priceless "conservative writer" credentials to fame and fortune.
However, wag that I am I have to ask, is it proper to call Mr. Sullivan a conservative?
Consider this:
Andrew Sullivan certainly does not believe in small limited government, not where the punishment of liberals is concerned. He has in the past dismissed those who voted for Al Gore as an American Fifth Column in terms worthy of Lavrenty Beria.
Andy is certainly not a strict constitutionalist in any way. If it meant the deposition of President Bill Clinton he'd have happily countenanced any congressional usurpation of executive power either by impeachment or outright coup.
You can't even trust his free market bona fides, Sullivan is a famous Bush apologist and as everyone knows the President made his personal fortune seizing land by eminent domain down in Texas.
inflammatory jokes and nostrums designed to maximize political freedom of action for the Bush family.
Granted Andrew Sullivan is a homosexual which plants him firmly in a perpetual American out-group, one loathed by a good portion of modern conservatives.
But it's my thesis here that Andy is no movement conservative and anyway the velvet closet is known for it's soundproofing and think fortress-like walls.
Conservatism for Andrew Sullivan is little more than a cognitively dissonant collection of inflammatory jokes and nostrums designed to maximize political freedom of action for the Bush family.
Modern conservatism is dead or so this blog asserts, and since Sullivan isn't a political necrophant then he must have some link to some ideology that pays his bills. He may say this ideology is "conservative" but the facts indicate a contrary set of political concepts are in play here.
So if Andrew Sullivan isn't a conservative, and he certainly is no liberal-what then is he?
In Orwell's own lexicon, Andrew Sullivan is a power-worshipper, the lowest most contemptible brute in that great writer's estimation.
George Orwell (as if he mattered anymore) would repudiate a celebrant like Andy for his vicious lackey ways in the harshest terms imaginable.
The sad thing is, Orwell "himself" has become an "Orwellian proposition" wherein the word both chooses and obscures the intended meaning.
We know little about Orwell other than to be accused to Orwellian thought or action is a bad thing.
This vague "Orwellian necessity" is an indispensable element within the lexicon of accusation.
Hence opportunistic power worshippers become conservatives, who in turn do Orwell conferences where no doubt the "Orwellian" aspects of Bill Clinton's impeachment defense will be chuckled over heartily.

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