Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Curmudgeons and fertilizer bombs

The hardiness of this once great nation has run out.
How do I know this?
Consider this quote about Ann Coulter from Bill Maher in the current issue of Newsweek:
"She is one of the few people who back down not one whit when confronted. And that's the kind of guts I do not see often in today's world".
None of us are safe when men indulge such gruesome truckling.
Again I must be all stupid like, but just when did Ms. Coulter a drunken shyster lawyer and DC's reigning queen of conservative think tank welfare suddenly become a gutsy contrarian?
The rhetoric of conservative apologism has become so sophisticated that even a woman who mulled over the efficacy of assassinating Bill Clinton and joked about bombing the New York Times can be reconfigured seemingly effortlessly as a freethinking curmudgeon.
Of course Ann Coulter never backs down....that is because she is backed in any fight by a vast gang of ruthless partisans who will back her up to the hilt no matter how homicidal her every utterance.
Personw who were considered dangerous extremists by the homey standards of 1947 are today exemplars of DC orthodoxy. Such are the malign consequences of the ever rightward drift of the modern conservative movement. Moderates are deliberately recast liberals, conservatives become moderates, and extremists therefore anchor the rightwing.
So let us face facts, no conservative ever went hungry in the U.S. pimping on behalf of raw power worship as the solution to our every problem...who is Bill Maher kidding?
No, Bill is a celebrity @ss-licker just like all the rest. He needs to make certain sounds in order to get back into the good graces of the six conglomerates that control the entertainment/opinion industry and casting himself as a pro-contrarian thinker will do the trick nicely.
Nobody walks away from it anymore, nobody tells their bosses at ABC/Fox to "F*ck off"....not when there is millions in compensation at stake.
The 21st century is fast shaping up to the be the new Age of the Courtier and Flatterer....
It's the big money that makes slaves of them all, that is a pretty unsubtle Rod Serling type point but it bears repeating.

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