Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Not that I wanna beat a dead horse or anything....

but some deceased equines are out there just begging for some blunt force impact trauma...
Honestly though, who at Wellesley College decided that a malevolent falangist like Andrew Sullivan would make a dandy marquee name for an Orwell symposium?
Didn't Andy airily call election 2000's Gore-voters a "fifth column"?
He sure did, which raises a issue that would be familiar to any old timey Franco-partisan, namely how can 48% of the voting population dominate and disenfranchise a clear electoral majority?
Back in the day they used blunt instruments like civil war and barbarous slaughter to put that 48% into power....but now thanks to money,modern technology, and a punditariat composed equally of slackers and fixers, nothing so crude is necessary.
At least not yet.
Said Orwell conference goes down May 1st through the 3rd out at Wellesley, Christopher Hitchens is the actual above-the-title star attraction. I won't be in attendance, the $150.00 fee is big cashola to humble JohnIAT....
And anyway the notion that two power-worshipping reactionary scoundrels like Andy and Chris debating or even discussing Orwell with a straight face is giving the whirlies even as I type this...
But by Ghod, I gave that dead horse a GOOD thrashing!!!

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