Friday, December 21, 2007

Dear Brian McGrory....

How yuh weathering the snow? Has your hair frizzed out or anything?

In case you hadn't noticed, notorious Colorado xenophobe Representative Tom Tancredo has terminated his bid for the 2008 GOP Presidential nomination and duly endorsed Mitt Romney's candidacy for the same.

So Brian tell me, where is that nice moderate Mitt Romney, the one for whom you marked out so very very hard back in'02?
At the rate your boy Willard is going, in just two short weeks he'll be calling for the forced expulsion of everyone whose name ends in a vowel.
Well Brian, this is not one of those classic Chimes at Midnight "I tolja so" type posts...nope this is more of a friendly warning against the perils of excessive credulity.
THE NEXT TIME, some grinning CEO type marchs into your office, desperate to run for governor as a Moderate Republican, try with all yer might not to fall in a swoon at his or her feet...if you can't be skeptical then at least try to pretend.

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