Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Nice to see Mitt Romney finally taking some heat from...

The Boston Globe. It is nothing compared to the four month long search and destroy mission that got dropped on John Kerry in the lead up to the 2004 New Hampshire primary...but it is still nice to see.

BTW is it me or is Mitt Romney starting to panic? This cockammamy speech to the legions of wowserdom promising to remain their bitch even when they mutter that he is a cultist betrays some tell-tale flopsweat to Humble Elias. I mean the dumb twit can't even fire illegal immigrants without a do-over!

Ahhh but Willard is hardly a seasoned professional is he? Romney's electoral score is a paltry "one and one" and the guy has never been under serious sustained attack at all in his political career to date. The shots he took running for senate and governor were frickin' pity-pats compared to the potential shit storm he is sailing into now.

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