Friday, December 07, 2007

You know, it occurs to me that...

IF Mitt Romney gets elected President, "ah could be inna heap o' trouble boy!"

Exhibit A: I have the geographic misfortune to live barely a mile from Mitt Romney's damn mansion in Belmont Mass...da secret service will no doubt do a data-mining sweep and score heavily on Humble Elias.
But hell a bunch of my damn neighbors will come up on that list as well, so I'll be in companionable company.
Exhibit B: This, the Little Blog that Cried, since 2003 it has proudly held to a admittedly crude and indifferently edited anti-Mitt line trust me, the SS ain't gonna like dat neither.

Yup come January 2009, this blog could be coming to you from the shores of the Baja peninsula.

That is, IF Romney wins, the nation would have to go a long ways to find a politician less trustworthy and more bereft of ideas than Willard Mitt Romney. Whether or not the Republic figures that out in time is an open question though.

BTW how about that speech yesterday? Pretty much a sonorous collection of focus group tested vacuities he? Mitt said nothing objectionable by the lights of a Baptist shaman, that is his idea of being a good civil libertarian. Nevertheless, Mormon or no, I wouldn't trust Mitt Romney with a plugged nickel let along my religious liberties.
Of course, staging this mishaugas at the Bush Presidential Library is a de-facto endorsement from La Famiglia Arbusto and a subtle hint that brother Jeb might yet end up on the Republican ticket as Mitt's VP.
I urge the former Florida Governor to give the sinecure careful thought, Scary Kerry Healey didn't profit much by her association with Willard.

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