Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Festivus....

What did we learnt his year?

Again almost nothing, this is ideological warfare here at the Chimes at Midnight not an ABC Afterschool Special.

On the other hand:

Senator John Kerry declined to run for President.
Senator Joe Lieberman kept threatening to switch to the GOP
Left Ahead the local liberal podcast debuted.
Joanie Vennochi wrote a lot of stupid things seemingly with venom in her quill pen.
Fred Thompson yawned stretched, took a nap announced for President and hasn't been heard from since.
Steve Stark said the same thing over and over and over and over...and no one at the Phoenix has caught wise yet.
Senator John Kerry did a number of fine and noble things none of which you read about in the papers.
Senator Larry Craig broke out his shotgun and wailed dire threats against anyone foolish enough to bust down the door and drag him out of the closet.
Newt Gingrich pretended to want to run for President for two laugh filled months.
Andrew Meyer, a profounding stupid and naive young man got tasered at a political event down in Florida. By all accounts, the electrical shock did not awaken the dormant portions of his brain.
Imus went down, Imus came back...Imus still subsists on human bra-ins!
And Jeff Jacoby went light on the whole "My deerest darling Kaleb" columns...maybe the lad put his foot down who knows?

Anyhow merry christmas to all...

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