Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Question for the day...

Why IS Howie Carr such a fag-basher?
I bought Elias Nugator Sr. the Sunday Herald this weekend so he could ponder BC's loss in more detail. Carr's sunday column was for the most part an exercise in rhetorical masturbation at the possible repeal of the state income tax...then Howie started ranting and raving about gay marriage before lurching back to his main thesis.
Which gave me to think just why does Howie hate gays so?
He isn't a particularly religious man, that I know he rarely discusses matters of faith in his column...so that can't be it.
Was he buggered by the quarterback at that exclusive private school he attended?
Again doubtful, he is an unappetizing specimen and can't have improved much with age.
So what is it?
Is it his radio audience, either he makes like a fag-basher or loses all to Jay Severin?
Which is a cynical explanation but lacking any other data seems to be the most likely.
He works in an industry with it's share of gays, I wonder if anyone has ever taken time to ask him what his beef is?

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