Sunday, February 24, 2008

Every four years, there is something we must remind ourselves of...

and that is that the punditariat, even the hard-core democrats therein are ALL emotionally invested in the eternal "democrats in disarray" meme.
In forty five years of life, I have NEVER passed thru a presidential election cycle that did not include this notion ad nauseum.
Does history really repeat itself that much? Or do these guys simply know of no other way to report the news?
Otherwise, the way it works is simple; from Tim Russert down to Steve Stark, the "disarray" is announced, then the US opinion industry waits around for some pretext to justify said announcement.
Therefore this week, the prospect of the Texas and Ohio primaries being heavily contested by Senators Clinton and Obama coupled with Ralph Nader's latest presidential kamikaze gig will simply be reconfigured as "proof" that the democrats are about to botch it all again.
it is pretty thin stuff all told, but these dingbats have gone with still thinner material to shore up their favorite fantasy. Remember this is the US Punditariat we are talking about, they wallow in these kinds of unpleasant delusions in order to obscure their own bias against the democrats.
Frankly I'm beginning to suspect it is less about the democrats and more like a deep pre-adolescent resent against the institution of free elections...a dangerous process prone to "disarray"...sometimes it even makes the punditariat look like fools...can't have that now can we?

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