Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ed O'Reilly crashes Arlington

John Kerry's alleged rival for the democratic senatorial nomination appeared before the Arlington Town Democratic Comittee this evening.
He is to say the least very definite on one point, he is not and never shall be, John Forbes Kerry.
Other than that, and a few further-to-the-left-than-John Kerry brickbats there does not seem to be much to the guy by way of a program.
Citizen O'Reilly claimed, seemingly in one might exhalation that while he supported John Kerry in '02 and '04 he was simultaneously so repelled by the man's vote authorizing the Iraq war as to consider challenging JK in the 08' senatorial primary.
This did not prevent Ed O'Reilly from voting for John Kerry twice within a subsequent two year period.

Ralph Nader was right there in ought-four, Ed...why did you pass on him?

What really had Humble Elias scratching his head though was O'Reilly's rant against Kerry's thousand dollar a plate fundraisers events that allegedly give unwarranted access to the Senator to wealthy and powerful contributors.
Whereupon this barefoot attorney from the beaches of Gloucester airily admits he gave two-thousand dollars to John Kerry in '04, or roughly TEN TIMES the amount humble Elias was able to whomp together to the great cause.
Clearly neither he nor I gave that money in the hopes of future access to a US President, so it if our intentions were good, maybe just maybe, John Kerry's intentions are of a similarly high caliber.
O'Reilly jokes lamely about wanting his money back, Humble Elias wants his country back and will happily forgo any money back guarantees to get it.
Frankly having seen O'Reilly up close, I'm not impressed, like a certain number of angry progressives, he tends to take out his frustrations in the aftermath of an electoral defeat on the nearest elected liberal.
It is a species of self destructive behavior that I've seen go down on many occasions.
Liberals tend to anthropomorphize political defeat as a form of emasculation, they compensate for this sometimes thru a form of unhealthy reaction formation, ergo by beating on other liberals.
Which is where Citizen O'Reilly seems to be coming from.
I don't think the upcoming State Convention should vote to put him on the ballot, he is unserious and driven by a futile purge-our-way-to-glory mentality.
More than that I will not say, indeed I cannot, I've already forgotten most of O'Reilly's remarks save his snide insinuating tone.

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