Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thompson goes Crashes and goes Boom

quietly, via e-mail, but boom nevertheless.
He exits the GOP presidential contest in the same state of suspended animation by which he entered. Amicable, listless, no one can recall a single sensible or even memorable thing citizen Thompson uttered from Iowa thru South Carolina. He got in late and got out comparatively early, forced out with the rest of the cheap acts by the relentless hammer of loss after loss.
Back in the fall poor Fred was touted as the Man on Horseback, a leathery mumbling savior sent to deliver the "Reagan Coalition" from electoral defeat and dismemberment.
Now, a scat four months later we can see what a hollow retrograde desire that really was.
Alas, people in politics are a forgetful breed, mostly they've forgotten that Reagan was elected president twenty-eight years ago and his political DNA has proven nigh impossible to clone since then.
The best they can do is a groaning old hack like Fred Thompson or an apple-polishing jerk like Mitt Romney, neither of them any sort of fitting successor to Saint Ronald of Malibu.
Then again the GOP has screwed the country up so completely that looking to the past for salvation seems a given, after all the future sure doesn't look so bright now does it?

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