Sunday, January 20, 2008

Steve Stark takes "Internet Pundits" to taste in his latest Boston Phoenix column

Apparently it is the bloggers damn fault that the media missed completely Senator Clinton's last minute surge to victory in the New Hampshire Primary.
If The Chimes at Midnight and Blue Mass Group and the Daily Kos had just piped down and let the sober experienced paper based reporters work in peace, the story would have been accurately reported.
Or so Steve's argument seems to run...
To quote th' olde misanthrope "What Rubbish!"
The mainstream media got it wrong because they hate Senator Clinton and her husband almost to a man...anyone else recall Chris Matthew's patently sexist assertion that Senator Clinton won because her husband cheated on her?
It is that kind of smug patronizing reportage that put a good fifty thousand New Hamsphire women into the voting booths for Hillary. It isnt' that her husband cheated, it is because Chris Matthews, Wolf Blitzer, Tim Russert and all their ilk treat her with such palpable disrespect and derision.
New Hampshire saw a chance to rub their noses in it and who can blame them?
We can certainly put Steve Stark within the Hillary hater ranks sans too much trouble. Back in his Boston Globe days hardly a week passed when he didn't predict, defeat, destruction and lengthy jail-terms for everyone in the Clinton Family save perhaps Miss Chelsea.
Like a lot of these guys, he was DESPERATE to write a nice lugubrious patronizing obituary for Senator Clinton, so of course being bitterly biased as well as disappointed it is somehow now Humble Elias' fault that the story slipped right past them.

I freely admit I called it wrong, but any predictions you read here are mere entertainment and nothing more.

I read the same nigh useless polls as everyone else, so if I'm right that is great, if I'm wrong the diversion value is still there.

Can't say as I'm inclined to vote for Senator Clinton in the upcoming primary, but my thoughts are entirely unsettled on that point. But watching Tim Russert, Steve Stark and Chris Matthews et al all go down in a heap like that on primary night was a precious and lovely thing to behold.

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