Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Well Humble Elias called it...

all WRONG mind you, but he called it nonetheless.


McCain trounced Romney and Clinton edged past Obama by three points...that is what I get for taking the polls seriously.
But what happened to Senator Clinton, isn't hard to understand, older women broke for her in droves and with the weather being balmy for New Hampshire some sort of upset was in the air.
She did well because tens of thousands of New Hampshire women marched to the polls and knifed their husbands in the back...figuratively speaking.
They've been quietly putting dinner on the table for years now while their bloated sagging husbands ranted and raved with the latest of Rush Limbaugh's taking points. At some point, voting for Hillary seemed the most sublime payback.
I observed this phenomenon at close range in New Hampshire going door to door for various candidates back in the day, the loud mouthed slob of a husband snarls and barks about "taxes" and "feminazis" meanwhile out in the kitchen you could see the wife throwing dagger eyes at hubbie.
This is the sort of thing that could well crop up again and again in other states, plenty of women are sick and tired of their husband's bluster and the INEVITABILITY of blundering egomaniacal choice for president.

Can't say I'm a big fan of the former first lady, she has her virtues though, what was nice to see was the sheer consternation and embarrassment on the faces of those smug & biased bastards in the media who had scheduled a square dance on Hillary Clinton's political grave.
The republic almost always benefits when they are proven wrong.


How about that Mitt Romney?
He spent forty five million big ones to date, seventeen of it his own money, and all he has to show for it is winning the semi-outlaw Wyoming Primary.
And honestly he really really did look like his head was gonna explode last night.
Precious and lovely indeed.

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