Thursday, January 24, 2008

John Kerry in Arlington (again)

If Senators Kerry, Kennedy and the Massachusetts Democratic Party have an "Imperial Guard", then it is seemingly encamped in the hills, hollows and plains of Arlington Massachusetts.Therein is a hardly battle-tested volunteer base that once swarmed north and turned Red New Hampshire a bright shade of blue in 2004 and then went to sweep the field for Deval Patrick a mere two years later.
So it is entirely fitting that Senator Kerry should drop by before the caucus and state his case for renomination, these are his Spartans, his "300" so to speak.
HE spoke for about twenty minutes, supposedly just long enough to throw off his challenger Ed O'Reilly's schedule for the rest of the night, ahh but that is a low and crude accusation, John Kerry would never play sharp elbows with an opponent...would he?
One thing last night really struck me, John Kerry is pretty much the same reformer he was in 1972, from energy to the enviroment he wants to change institutions either make them inherently more democratic or to make them more responsive to the citizenry.
There are few issues before the Republic for which Senator Kerry does not have a sane and sensible proposal born of long thought and longer experience.
One or two of these ideas have strong political implications for the upcoming presidential election, "The Duke Cunningham Act" (which mandates that convicted congressional felons should lose their lucrative pensions) is just the sort of measure our nominee needs to be talking about this fall.
John Kerry is in short, a man with an entirely reasonable agenda, one that is to the benefit of all americans.

Ed O'Reilly (his primary challenger) is a man with an inexplicable grievance....

Take your pick.

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