Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mitt Romney, The Gift that Keeps on Giving...

In what amounts to a "Secret Speech" to fundraisers, Mitt Romney unleashes his inner John Galt and dismisses 47% of the electorate as moochers, parasites & deadbeats.
What I just love about the above captioned "off the cuff" remarks is the false sense of both entitlement and persecution that permeates Romney's fundraising patter "gimme money or the looters will bust in here and roll you all!"
Given that Mitt is a famous opportunist that smack-tawkin' "No Apologies" shit sure doesn't leave Romney much room to maneuver when he says something patently stupid in ringing tones duly recorded...
If he wasn't such a trimmer then he wouldn't have this compulsion to over compensate and bluster and turn maybe he could graciously back off these remark, but no this is Mitt Romney and Mitt Romney could screw up a two car funeral.
Kinda questions the value of his MBA don't it?
And that is what has Humble Elias guffawing tonight....

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